Za co w organizmie odpowiada kwas mlekowy? Właściwości naturalnego postbiotyku

What is lactic acid responsible for in the body? Properties of a natural postbiotic

There is still one topic that we have not touched on so far during our nutritional journeys. And we mean, of course, lactic acid. How does this chemical work? You will learn about it in a moment - we are already rubbing our hands for this next lesson, so there is no need to wait any longer - it's time to start!

The role of lactic acid in the fermentation process

Today we will once again explore the body from the inside and we guarantee that it will be a great adventure. So let's start with the basics. What is lactic acid? It is a type of chemical compound that is produced primarily in muscle cells and red blood cells. Lactic acid is produced when carbohydrates are broken down in the body and converted into energy. At the very beginning, we can also emphasize that the role of this ingredient is invaluable and without it, the body cannot function fully properly.

We have a riddle for you. Lactic acid and sourdoughs – what's the difference? Or maybe they have something in common? Well, this is not such a random combination at all. The word "sourdough" very clearly refers to lactic acid. You probably recognize these characteristic muscle pains after intense training or physical activity. At rest, the skin (25%), erythrocytes (20%), central nervous system (20%), muscles (25%) and gastrointestinal tract (10%) are responsible for the total production of lactic acid. During intense exercise, skeletal muscle accounts for most of the increased lactate levels. We experience soreness when the lactic fermentation process takes place in the body, resulting in the production of lactic acid in hypoxic conditions.

Okay, we've already dealt with this issue, but that's not the end of the topic, after all, we're just starting to delve into its intricacies, there's no time to waste - let's hit the road.

Lactic acid in the diet – what does it contain?

It's time to familiarize you even more with our titular chemical compound. You already know that it can be produced inside the body, especially during increased physical exercise. However, there are still a few other points to discuss, which I'm sure you'll learn more easily as we continue our meeting today.

So let's now consider together what are the natural sources of lactic acid in the diet. Yes, we can absorb this chemical compound with food - and we should. Lactic acid is not that difficult to find because it is commonly found in the power of nature surrounding us. It is also sometimes used as a food preservative to prevent spoilage and improve the taste of processed foods. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved its use in most products except baby food and infant formula. In what food products can you find this ingredient? Lactic acid occurs, among others, In:

  • sour milk,
  • yogurt,
  • buttermilk,
  • kefir,
  • sauerkraut,
  • kimchi (we especially recommend this product to fans of Asian flavors)
  • and pickled cucumbers.

A little worried that the list above doesn't include many vegan items? Plant sources of the chemical compound in question are primarily silage . However, with us you have nothing to worry about. The health properties of lactic acid really inspired us and we couldn't help but take advantage of their potential.

To create our exceptionally nutritious mixture, we used biotechnological processes based on the use of selected fermentation bacteria from the hero of today's journey, i.e. lactic acid. This treatment allowed us to significantly enrich the health benefits of the product base - alfalfa sprouts. You know what? Our ALFA9 mixture is also friendly to vegans and people on any other diet, so you can safely benefit from its nutritional potential.

However, you may still be wondering what all the fuss is about and why we consider lactic acid to be such a valuable substance. So it's probably time to tell you what health properties this chemical compound actually has.

Lactic acid in the diet and intestinal health

As you can already guess from the moment you read the list of food products containing lactic acid, it is very important for the health of our intestines . As we age, we increasingly begin to understand how important it is to take care of a properly functioning digestive system.

Fortunately, nature comes to the rescue again. Are you also constantly amazed by how much healing power can be found so close to us? Easily available products containing lactic acid with simple compositions are a great and easy way to strengthen the intestinal bacterial flora. So if you are facing frequent abdominal pain, flatulence or indigestion - we appeal - this is a warning signal from your body that demands support .

We are convinced that you value health as much as we do and want it as much as possible. Supplementing with lactic acid as support for the intestinal microflora may prove beneficial for you. Of course, as you probably already know, valuable nutritional values ​​are best absorbed through diet, so we recommend that you first rearrange your menu to start with. After all, no supplement can replace a healthy diet, right?

A healthier intestine is not the only positive result of supplementing your diet with lactic acid. What other benefits can you expect? Welcome to the next stop on our route!

Lactic acid – properties and effect on the body

We have already covered the issue of strengthening the bacterial flora, so we can move on. Exactly... Are you sure? This is certainly a good moment to dispel any doubts you have and clarify a certain issue.

It's time for a little biology lesson - as you know, for the body to function properly, it must be taken care of comprehensively. All organs are connected vessels, so they cannot be treated selectively and the rest cannot be given any attention. Together, we say a firm no to this approach. Moreover, it is absolutely natural that organs influence each other.

After this small repetition, we can now get to the point. So let's consider the relationship between lactic acid and the immune system. We've already given you a hint - the intestinal microbiome not only takes care of a healthy digestive system, but also supports the immune functions of the entire body . So, by supporting the bacterial flora, we can get rid of abdominal pain, but also strengthen our protection against inflammation. I'm sure you'll agree with us that this is great news - so many health-promoting properties, and we've even mentioned all of them.

The use of lactic acid in health prevention concerns several other aspects, we have highlighted the most important ones below:

  • acceleration of metabolism,
  • facilitating the absorption of calcium and iron,
  • improving digestive processes,
  • improving the condition of bones, muscles and joints
  • and strengthening the circulatory system.

The beneficial effect of this chemical compound on the body is truly impressive. Additionally, we would like to remind you that the health effects of lactic acid deficiency may be, to say the least, unpleasant . Therefore, let your new nutritional resolution be to skillfully ensure the presence of this ingredient in your diet, we believe that you will be able to do it. And now let's move on to the next point of our journey.

Lactic acid as a natural postbiotic

It is time to explain the intricacies of the title, and more specifically, to clarify the concept of "postbiotic". We are very curious whether it brings any specific associations to your mind. Maybe you have heard the name probiotic or prebiotic? We hope we haven't confused you too much - don't worry, we'll discuss all three concepts one by one in a moment.

  • Prebiotics are primarily intended to maintain a healthy intestinal microflora and support the immune system. They are substances that provide food for beneficial bacteria in the body. Prebiotics come in the form of dietary ingredients or supplements.
  • Probiotics, in turn, are live microorganisms that, when administered in appropriate amounts, have a beneficial effect on the health of the host.
  • And what we have all been waiting for, postbiotics, represented by lactic acid. They constitute the so-called metabolites of probiotic bacteria and have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Postbiotics are produced and secreted by living bacteria.

We also have a small bonus for you in the form of an additional dose of knowledge. It is possible that the concept of synbiotic has already flashed before your eyes. So what is this particular chemical? Let us explain, it is simply a name for preparations combining probiotics with prebiotics . And when can we most often encounter synbiotics? They are available mainly in the form of preparations for children, so it is very likely that parents will especially associate them with them.

Lactic acid – use in the cosmetic industry

At the very end of our today's expedition, in the form of a small addition, we will discuss other applications of the title chemical compound. Lactic acid and improving digestion – this is one of the topics you already know well. So what are we left with? The answer, of course, is the cosmetics industry. So what is lactic acid used for in this area? Below we have highlighted some of its basic functions:

  • hydration,
  • irrigation,
  • maintaining the proper level of epidermis moisture,
  • improving skin tone
  • antibacterial and rejuvenating effect.

As we have seen today, lactic acid can positively surprise you in many respects . Of course, due to our basic interests and scientific connection with nutritional topics, we first of all recommend that you enrich your diet with this wonderful ingredient - you certainly won't regret it, we guarantee!


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