6 pomysłów na pyszne śniadania i przekąski

6 ideas for delicious breakfasts and snacks

You don't have much time and patience to plan nutritious, healthy meals every day? Fortunately, with us today you will learn proven solutions based on natural ingredients. Just sit back and we can start our journey through simple and convenient recipes for healthy breakfasts and snacks .

Why is it worth eating breakfast?

Were you also told as a child that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it is better not to skip it? The adults were certainly right about that. Of course, to be precise, we emphasize that factors such as the appropriate time for breakfast or the specific type of meal that is best eaten in the morning can be treated individually. Ultimately, the diet should be adapted to our lifestyle and preferences. So what are the key factors that make it worth eating breakfast?

We could undoubtedly write at length about the health benefits of starting the day with a properly balanced meal, but you certainly value specifics, so let's get straight to the point. A breakfast rich in valuable nutrients helps keep the body in balance, protecting it against deficiencies and weakness. You probably also guess that the energy we get from food allows us to generate the force necessary to perform various activities. This is especially important if you often start your day with activities that require a lot of effort.

Therefore, we also maintain the tradition and advise you not to skip breakfast. However, to make everything clear, let's talk a little about the health consequences that may occur if the body does not receive food in the morning . We have highlighted some of them below, including:

  • drop in blood sugar levels,
  • increase in the level of stress hormones,
  • increase in blood pressure leading to headache
  • slower metabolism,
  • increased sleepiness and fatigue,
  • weakened concentration,
  • and decreased performance at work.

Okay, we've covered the basics, so let's move on to the more fun part and figure out how to prepare quick and healthy breakfasts? Be sure to stay with us to find out the answers to this and other questions that bother you.

What should a healthy breakfast include?

What do you think healthy breakfasts and snacks actually are? You probably already have this knowledge at your fingertips, and if not, it doesn't matter, a little repetition never hurt anyone. So let's get to work - properly balanced meals should, first of all, provide valuable nutrients for the body, such as vitamins, protein, fats and carbohydrates. Below you will find a few more little tips from us.

  • Choose products that will keep you feeling full for a long time - oatmeal, peanut butter, linseed, dark bread or quinoa.
  • If you like sweet breakfasts, you can add fruit to your meal, which is a source of simple sugars , which will increase your energy level at the beginning of the day.
  • Make sure you have a variety of products on your plate , instead of a sandwich with one ingredient, choose a more fanciful mix of several seasonal vegetables.

As you can see, a dietary and quick breakfast does not have to be difficult to prepare. Just remember a few simple rules and you can work miracles. Are you wondering where our enthusiasm comes from? The passion for healthy eating first guided each of our professional lives, and then brought us together at work - and we are still very grateful for it.

Phew, the time for emotions is probably coming to an end, because our appetite is still growing and we hope yours is too! Before we move on to specific recipe proposals, here's some brief information to remind you that will help you better balance breakfasts and snacks in terms of nutrition. Vitamins and fiber that are key to your health can be found mainly in the form of vegetables and fruit, protein - in cottage cheese, eggs, cheese and meat, and complex carbohydrates - in bread and fruit. Remembered? Then let's move on.

Creative snacks between meals – suggestions for small treats

Perhaps there is one more issue that still bothers you - does a healthy diet include snacks between meals? Of course! You just need to make sure that they are both nutritious and tasty.

And when is the best time for treats? Delicious snacks for every occasion, including those you can take with you on a bike ride, should be eaten between meals. Otherwise, you will unintentionally fill your stomach before lunch or dinner - and we don't want that.

Fit snacks for work or university should not contain too many simple carbohydrates. Sweets and confectionery products lead to an increase in blood sugar levels and then an equally rapid drop, which leads to an even greater desire for more treats. How to break this vicious circle? Or maybe differently - what healthy, vegetarian snacks are worth having at hand? We certainly recommend you:

  • nuts,
  • dates,
  • almonds,
  • pumpkin or sunflower seeds
  • and – one of our favorites – fresh fruit.

Of course, healthy snacks don't end on this short list. We have something else special for you. Take a look at our ideas for delicious and easy-to-prepare treats and choose something for yourself.

An idea for a healthier yogurt

Choose natural yogurt with a good, simple composition without unnecessary additives and add the ALFA9 mixture with wild rose and elderberry and mix thoroughly. The ingredients contained in the sachet with the product will not only positively affect the taste of the snack, but will also enrich it with valuable amino acids and protein. What's more, we have developed the ALFA9 recipe so that it also tastes great with vegan yogurts. Moreover, with vegans in mind, we used vegan lactic acid bacteria cultures in production.

An idea for a nutritious sandwich

A sandwich can also be a great snack, thanks to which you will not feel hungry and weak before a planned larger meal. Mix the contents of the ALFA9 sachet with green peas and spinach with cottage cheese and add some chives and radishes. Spread margarine on brown bread and add the prepared cottage cheese.

An idea for a balanced fruit cocktail

Blend together about 100 g of strawberries and half of a banana. Add a handful of blueberries or selected forest fruits and about 200 ml of oat milk and a tablespoon of chia seeds. Continue blending until smooth. Finally, add the contents of the fruit version ALFA9 (wild rose and elderberry) and mix thoroughly. Pour the cocktail into a glass or shaker.

Now you understand? It's all about creativity - it's thanks to it that the best recipes are created. However, imagination combined with knowledge about healthy eating in a nutshell, which we regularly provide you with, is a perfect combination. What's more, you can always count on support in the form of products with natural and highly nutritious compositions, and with them you will undoubtedly prepare something healthy and nutritious.

It's time for breakfast - a list of our recipes, tested with great taste over the years, is waiting for you.

Ideas for nutritious breakfasts - quick and easy to make

Toast with avocado and egg


  • 1 avocado,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 slices of whole grain bread,
  • 0.5 tomato,
  • chives,
  • oil,
  • ALFA9 vegetable mixture,
  • salt pepper.


  1. Place the bread in the broiler or place it on an electric grill or frying pan, let the slices brown on both sides.
  2. Peel the avocado, mash it and mix it with a bit of salt, pepper and the ALFA9 mixture.
  3. Spread the prepared paste on the baked bread.
  4. Fry fried eggs in olive oil, then arrange them on sandwiches and sprinkle with chopped chives.

Sandwich with hummus and vegetables


  • homemade chickpea hummus or a store-bought product with good ingredients (approx. 100 g),
  • 2 slices of whole grain bread,
  • 2 stalks of celery,
  • 0.5 red pepper,
  • carrot,
  • ALFA9 vegetable mixture.


  1. Mix hummus with ALFA9 mixture.
  2. Spread the slices with hummus (if you want, you can bake them a little first).
  3. Peel, wash and cut the vegetables into sticks and place them on a plate next to the sandwiches.

Fruit and nut porridge


  • 0.5 cup of oat flakes,
  • 0.5 cup of selected plant milk (we do not recommend cow's milk as it does not go perfectly with ALFA9),
  • 0.5 banana,
  • a handful of raspberries or other selected fruit,
  • a tablespoon of chia or linseed seeds,
  • 3 walnuts,
  • a handful of hazelnuts,
  • ALFA9 fruit blend.


  1. Pour the oat flakes with plant milk and add a tablespoon of chia seeds or freshly ground linseed and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  2. When the oatmeal thickens, transfer it to a small bowl.
  3. Add the ALFA9 mixture and mix with the oatmeal.
  4. Add washed raspberries, sliced ​​banana and chopped nuts to the bowl.

Do you now feel like going to the kitchen and preparing something delicious? We too! We wish you that your passion for healthy eating will grow regularly. Finally, a little reminder. Recipes for healthy breakfasts for school, work or cycling do not have to take up too much of your precious time in the morning, and at the same time they can be very healthy. You'll find even more great news like this in other posts on our blog - so be sure to stay up to date.


  1. https://zyzanie.medonet.pl/odchudzanie/co-sie-dzieje-gdy-nie-zjesz-rano-sniadania-organizm-zańczy-szwankowac/tbrfdsq#:~:text=Po%20nocy%20organizm%20motywuje%20zastrzyku , the effect%2C%20what%20is%20not eating%20%C5%9Bunch%C5%84 .
  2. https://fit.poradnikzdrowie.pl/diety-i-zyczenie/zdrowe-odzywianie/powiedz-najlepiej-jesc-owoce-aa-XG28-9eX2-Zd9U.html
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